TEACH-ify with AFT: A Great Teaching Strategy Playlist


By AFT Professional Learning for Educators

Register now for AFT Professional Learning’s new 2023-24 webinar series, TEACH-ify: A Great Teaching Strategy Playlist! 

Starting in October 2023 and continuing through May 2024, educators are invited to join national trainers from the AFT’s Professional Learning program to talk about great teaching strategies for supporting our students in grades K-12.

These free Zoom sessions are a fun and productive way to meet colleagues from around the country and learn about teaching strategies you can use the next day. Plus, you’ll get a certificate of completion at the end of each live webinar you attend. 

These engaging sessions will be held live from 7 – 8 p.m. Eastern time, with live support until 8:30 p.m. to answer participants’ questions.

Teaching Strategy Playlist of Topics:

Oct. 12: Engaging Families as Educational Partners | Register 
Students do better in school when their families are engaged as partners in learning. In this session, we will share strategies to build your professional repertoire of strategies for addressing family engagement and communicating effectively with families to improve student achievement.

Jan. 11: Project-Based Learning | Register
Project-based learning takes on a constructivist approach in which we do not just look just for the right answer or for what students can regurgitate, but rather for what they can generate, demonstrate and exhibit. In this session, we will examine creating student-centered learning environments where the dynamics of learning foster curiosity, exploration, inquiry and the retention of information.

March 14: Student Engagement | Register 
Research shows that engaging your students in the classroom is an area greatly in need of improvement. In this session, discover structures and resources that foster student engagement and support learning.

May 9: Using Questions to Teach and Learn | Register
Student responses to questions help teachers assess how well students understand content. Responses also reveal students’ critical and metacognitive thinking patterns. In this session, we will explore how to examine the surface and deep structure of questions as well as the process of formulating meaningful questions.

Remember to tell your colleagues to join you. We know from experience that attendees are more likely to implement new strategies when they have a friend who is doing the same, and you can support one another’s efforts. Plus these are only available live—not on demand—so we’ll see you there!