SEA 2019 - SSS Community

The content in the modules can be tailored to benefit individuals, groups and the whole school. SSS approaches professional development and learning from an issues-based perspective. Whether the need is created by policy, mandates, feedback on evaluations or professional inquiry, SSS responds. Content is taught with activities that require reflection on daily practice, debate over research and current practices, utilizing modeling and experiential learning approaches. Engaged discussions augment the relevance of the research-based classroom strategies, and instruction is designed to facilitate immediate use.

SSS Modules offered:

The SSS 2019 modules will give educators the opportunity to examine research-based strategies that strengthen educator effectiveness within the classroom and on evaluation rubrics. A summative take home project will be for the participants to identify learning strategies to apply during the upcoming school year.

  1. Setting Measurable Objectives
  2. Is My Teaching Effective?
  3. Tools for Teachers from Brain Researchers
  4. Teach Them to Think
  5.  Activating Learning in All Disciplines